About me

I am Abdurahman Mohammed, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Iowa State University, specializing in machine learning and computer vision. My research primarily focuses on developing label-efficient machine learning algorithms and their application in biomedical image analysis. I am passionate about making machine learning algorithms more interpretable and am constantly exploring new methods to demystify these complex systems. I am a part of Professor Wallapak Tavanapong’s research group at Iowa State University.

In 2022, I had the honor of being selected as one of only 300 students across North America for the prestigious Google Computer Science Research Mentorship program. Under the mentorship of Dr. Boyu Wang, a Google researcher, I broadened my expertise and gained valuable insights into the field.

My involvement at Iowa State University is not limited to research. I have worked as a Teaching Assistant for several courses: COM S 227 - Object-Oriented Programming, COM S 207 - Fundamentals of Computer Programming, and COM S 571x - Responsible AI: Risk Management in Data-Driven Discovery. My commitment to teaching was recognized in 2023 when I received a Teaching Excellence Award. As the Head TA for COM S 227, a large course with over 400 students, I have had the opportunity to share my knowledge and inspire many future computer scientists.

My academic journey began in Ethiopia, where I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Addis Ababa Science and Technology University in 2018.